terça-feira, setembro 19, 2006


"Oh Sô Professora, alguém tem de fazer alguma coisa ou o mê filho nã vem pá escola. Nã tenho direito ó subsídio escolar e só porque nã tenho irs... nã pode ser! Tenho dois filhos e uma nora, tudo a viver com o mê subsídio. O mê filho e a minha nora têm 17 anos e nã trabalham que nã têm transporte pa sair de casa. Ê nã quero saber mas alguém tem de me ajudar!!!!!"

E assim está o nosso país, onde as pessoas vivem à conta de subsídios e não trabalham porque em casa o Estado paga-lhes mais, e o "depósito de crianças" tem obrigação de lhes dar alimentação, transporte à porta de casa e material escolar.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

It must be very hard seeing what you see and what you deal with when it comes to children, I was talking a girl who works for me who still is in 11th grade here and for every class she takes ( like Math, Science, and ect.) she needs to keep the book in the class because there are not enough books for everyone in the school. Now when I went to school we had our book for each class that we had for the year that we can study from and actually do home work. Yes we had to turn our books at the end of the school year but we had a chance to do our homework and to learn something if we wanted to .
It brings a tear to my eye now that children do not have enough books to learn from but the schools have enough money to make sure there is are securtity guards and a metal detector that they have to walk through to make sure that they can make it thourgh a school day without getting hurt.
